How Am I Wired? Change Begins With Understanding Why I Am The Way I Am

How Am I Wired? was written as an introduction to the concept of temperament therapy. It explains the dynamics, components, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each unique temperament. Temperament therapy is based upon the presupposition that each individual is unique when they are born. The possible combination of temperaments is endless. Most people are surprised when they learn temperaments are not inherited. Instead, at creation, each of us received a specific blend of temperaments that makes us someone both unique and special. We were custom-designed!

This book will help you understand how you were wired or, if you prefer, who you were created to be. Once we have a thorough understanding of who we are, we can begin to adapt and modify our reactions. We will still be the same person, but will better understand why we tend to do the things we do; why we react to things the way we do. As the subtitle of this book states, Change Begins With Understanding Why I Am The Way I Am. The authors make it fun and exciting to self explore and find out more about your strengths and weaknesses.