Colossians & Philemon: Dispensationally Considered

The book of Colossians is one of Paul’s thirteen letters. He writes to a church who is being threatened by false religions and vain philosophies of men. He wants them to be secure in their faith. The preeminence of Jesus Christ within the workings of the Holy Trinity is emphasized. Its purpose is to refute any challenge on Christ’s full humanity and His full divinity. This is the historical context in which this letter is being written. He reaffirms his original teachings, while encouraging them to grow in understanding of their unique position in Christ, their inheritance in Him, and the glorious hope of His Calling. Colossians is one of Paul’s shorter letters having only four chapters. However, its value for Christians today cannot be based by its size. Those who are inundated with challenges from various teachings and philosophies can use this book to guide their faith in biblical truth.

Philemon is a short book with only one chapter. It is the last in the series of Paul's epistles and, therefore, provides a perfect conclusion. It is a real-life example of someone who was a slave to sin, bought back from slavery by the blood, and saved by grace!