1 Corinthians: Dispensationally Considered

This epistle is about love—God’s love which is unconditional. Salvation is not based upon attaining a certain level of acceptable behavior, but about faith in what Christ has done. One theme flows throughout this letter—the love of God. This is the love whereby the Savior gave His life for sinners who were unworthy by their own merit. Paul teaches about the spiritual gifts. Of all these gifts, the more excellent way is love and it is the greatest gift.

It is fitting the assembly most troubled with sin is the one to whom Paul sent this letter of love. Who is better than Paul to show love having himself received abundant grace from the gracious Savior? He concludes his letter with this, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen” (1 Cor. 16:23-24).