GraceWord Publishing began in the Fall of 2022. We produce a steady stream of new publications. Our books published in English are listed on the Our Books page. The books published in Spanish are listed on the Nuestros Libros. Our first major goal was to complete a series of commentaries on the thirteen Pauline epistles. We are pleased to say this has been completed.

We published two other manuscripts both looking at the Bible systematically. Dispensational theology is an applied tool. It is valuable to all students of the Bible. The first book, Letters To Theophilus, explains the Gentiles. The second, The Glorious Destiny of Israel, deals with Israel and God’s fulfillment of His promises and prophecies. All of our books are carefully checked for biblical accuracy. We are committed to the King James Version (KJV) only.

The process of publishing a manuscript takes between three to six months depending on the size of the book. All of our staff are volunteers. Any authors interested in writing are welcome to reach out to us on our Contract Us page.